This is a blog featuring my personal stories of food, gardening, yachting, photography, travel and life.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Retirement Sets In

My wife went off to her first day of work today. I got up with her at 7 am and fixed her breakfast. Oatmeal with apple sauce and a sliced banana, coffee the way she likes it, and a couple of slices of turkey bacon. A kiss goodbye and she was off to work. I stayed home. I'm retired.

So, while she headed off to department and university meetings, luncheons and planning meetings, I tidied up around the house, did the laundry and got dinner ready. My big adventure out of the house was the 50 yard walk up the street to the mailbox to collect our mail. Oh, I nearly forgot. I started a shopping list. I think there are two items on it so far.

I'm not sure what will come next. I'm not feeling like I ought to be somewhere or doing something. I'm perfectly happy staying at home. I know that will change in time. I'll feel the need to get involved and do something. But for now. . .

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