This is a blog featuring my personal stories of food, gardening, yachting, photography, travel and life.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving Leftover Idea!

With six Thanksgiving weekend visitors in our house, our daughter and her husband plus 2 couples friends of theirs, we needed to stretch the leftovers to the max.

By this morning, we had gone through the turkey and ham leftovers. We were down to the last few bits and pieces of this and that.

I stared into the fridge wondering what I could do with what was left to make a tasty breakfast this morning before the crowd headed off on the long drive back to their homes and our home returned to its quiet normalcy.

A hefty bowl of mashed potatoes, another of dressing sat staring back at me. Hmmm. Potato pancakes with a twist?

The dressing had chunks of sourdough bread, onions, celery, sausage, Granny Smith apples, raisins and dried cranberries.

I dumped the potatoes and dressing into a larger bowl, added 3 eggs and folded the ingredients together.

A large skillet with a few ounces of olive oil rolled around in it over a medium heat and we were ready to go.

I formed 6 inch patties (or rather my daughter did this cooking part) and placed them into the hot oil. A few minutes on each side and the pancakes were ready. They were creamy and chunky at the same time. When you think about it, it was a complete breakfast in a single patty. Meat, potatoes, fruit, eggs and veg.

They were all eaten with lots of yummy sounds coming from all corners of the table.


Sprinkle the tops with a bit of grated cheddar cheese or hot sauce or, as some did, some English Daddies sauce.

It could also be dumped into a greased 8 1/2 by 11 casserole and baked topped with grated cheddar cheese.

Just another way to use up those leftovers.

Bon appetit!

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