This is a blog featuring my personal stories of food, gardening, yachting, photography, travel and life.

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Tragedy in Afghanistan

So, I am again frustrated by the tragedy unfoldingn in another country which America spent billions of dollars and thousands of American lives in an attempt to make over tht country in our image, that is a democratic republic with a free people. Finally, our country decided that our job was done there and it is time to bring our military home letting the Afgan people run the country and defend themselves. It doesn't appear to be working as the "militant/terrorist" group known as the Taliban is retaking the country one region after another with what appears to be little effort. So much for the Afgan military. I guess all that training and state of the art equipment and the billions spent proping up the government has been for nougt. Now who will be the next wealthy and well armed country be who will come in and prop up the next government? Will the Russians return or did the learn their lesson? Perhaps. We spent billions arming the "other side" to help defeat the Russians. I wonder who was arming the Taliban that continued to be the thorn in our country's side for so many years and finally sent us off licking our wounds? Will the Chinese now step in with similar promises to rebuild and modernize their country or, will the world finally just leave them alone and let them live out their wretched lives. Can the countries of the world stop selling arms to them or arming them with the caveat of allowing some sort of political infuence? Not likely but who knows.