After a couple of last minute shopping runs for items we are told are must-haves when in the Galapagos, a new REI hat (Pictured on the left. Geeky but functional!) with +50 sun-block protection and these little stringy contraptions that hold your glasses on your face in case they fall off when around the water, we are packed and ready to head out on our adventure to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands.
This is a copy of a poster for the opening night concert at the Choral Festival in which Leslie will be teaching.
We each have a small suitcase and large carry-ons, mine with camera gear and important papers for the trip and hers with all the important papers and gizmos she needs to teach her classes for the next week and a half. It was difficult to pack for this trip as we need the more formal wear to be in a classroom and attend concerts in the evening, but also the light weight, very informal gear for hiking and swimming in the Islands.
Also, the higher elevation of Quito (9,000+ feet) makes is a cooler climate necessitating warmer clothes versus the sea-level, near the equator warmer climate of the Galapagos. So, we layer in Quito, take a couple of nicer outfits and the rest of the clothes for the warmer days when we are out and about in Quito and in the islands. I think we have it figured out, but, hey, if we need anything. they have stores in Ecuador!
Our plane departs Seattle at about 10 pm and stops in Miami on our way to Quito (oh lord, a red-eye!). It is going to be a long journey. Sadly it will be in economy class and we all know what that feels like--can you say, "moooooooo!"
More later as time permits!