This is a blog featuring my personal stories of food, gardening, yachting, photography, travel and life.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

My New Truck

First of all, its been a very long time since I last wrote on my blog. But here goes.... My last entry seems to have been back in 2022. Crazy! A lot has happened in my life since then. My wife has retired from her position as a music professor at WWU. Our grand daughter, Evie, is 9 years old and about to go into 4th grade at her school. She attends a school for gifted learners. She has become quite accomplished as a cellist. She plans to audition for the Seattle Youth Symphony next year. She is acccomplished in Judo, winning a prize for her Kata last Spring at a large tournament. She is a voracious reader and talented writer. We get to have her here at our place for the week starting next Sunday. I have stepped down as Secretary for the Bellingham Sail and Power Squadron. I still am the historian and editor of our newsletter. Keeps me very busy! We are still very active in the squadron. Perhaps the biggest single change in my life since my last entry has to do with our boat--The Key of Sea, our 36' Bayliner which we have owned and enjoyed for the past 15 years and that I have often written about here. Last August 2023, exactly one year ago, we sold her. It had become too much trouble to deal with and keep repaired and, well, it was just time. We found a great new owner who got a hell of a deal but most importantly he had the skills to fix what needed fixing. It has made a big difference in our lives due the financial windfall of not having to pay the insurance, the moorage, the power bill, the cost of maintenance, etc. It does make participating in boating activities pretty difficult but we're fine with that. We are doing a lot of traveling. For me it's mostly road trips as i have got fed up with long distance air travel. We have flown to places on the wesr coast including Hawaii but beyond that, I'm done! Leslie still loves to travel and has found a couple of girlfriends who do too. So, they have planned and made several international trips. That works fine with me. She heads off and I get to batch it on my own for week or two. We road trip a couple of times a year to Pacific Grove on the Monterey Pennisula--my favorite place in all the world besides B'ham. We stay down there for 2-3 weeks at a time going to places we know well to listen to jazz, eat out at our favorite places and discover new places. I can't really explain what it is that draws us to PG repeatedly. It's traditional. It's a special part of the early part of our life together. It just feels right. Most recently, in fact, as of yesterday, I finally made the decision I've put off for years. Back in 1997, when my mother passed away, after we'd settled her estate, there was enough money left for me to purchase a Ford Ranger pick up and it has been with us, serving us well, ever since--for 27 years. But as time has gone along the old truck has got older and the dents and scraps got more pronounced. Finally, she had become more costly to repair. It was time! Yesterday, I pulled the switch and purchased a 2022 Toyota Tacoma crew cab with a 5' bed and a V6 engine. It has four doors and easily seats 5. I love it! Yes, it is used but only has 25,000 miles on it and is in beautiful condition. And the local Toyota dealer was selling it with a full warranty AND it was on sale as a manager's special. So, between the trade in of my old Ranger, the special sale price and another discount as Costco members, we came away with a really good deal. I imagine it will be the last truck I ever own. I'm fine with that and I'm already enjoying the heck out of it. So solid, it's got power and it looks great. I suppose that about catches me (and you) up for now. I'll try to check in more often. Thanks for listening!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

New Laptop

My new Dell Inpirion 5015 with an i7 quad processor and a 1T SSD and 16 inch screen has arrived and I am writing this entry using it. It has a back lit keyboard which is a real plus since I struggle with seeing the keyboard. It also has a USB and HDMI connector and SD card slot.
I did purchase a seperate Optical Drive for playing DVDs and loading some software I have that is still on disc. The weight and thickness of this machine amazes me. It weighs only 2-3 pounds and can't be more thsn an inch and half thick. My old laptop, which died several years ago, was significantly heavier and thicker. One other interesting feature which I highly recommend others look into when shopping for new electronics...look into refurbished devices. I saved at $200 buying this refurbished and it looks brand new and has the same warranty as a none refurbished device. As I do a lot with MS Publisher creating the Power Squadron newsletter monthly, getting MS Office Suite was critical. I am now looking for a deal on Abobe Photoshop to help process my photos. This device will enable me to work remotely on my Squadron responsibilities and to attend Zoom meetings from wherever we may be. I've already loaded Adobe Acrobat for PDF use and the software for for our printer which is wireless. I've also added Pandora and Netflix for purposes that are obvious I think. More to come I'm sure. For now though I am a very proud owner of a really nice device

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Tragedy in Afghanistan

So, I am again frustrated by the tragedy unfoldingn in another country which America spent billions of dollars and thousands of American lives in an attempt to make over tht country in our image, that is a democratic republic with a free people. Finally, our country decided that our job was done there and it is time to bring our military home letting the Afgan people run the country and defend themselves. It doesn't appear to be working as the "militant/terrorist" group known as the Taliban is retaking the country one region after another with what appears to be little effort. So much for the Afgan military. I guess all that training and state of the art equipment and the billions spent proping up the government has been for nougt. Now who will be the next wealthy and well armed country be who will come in and prop up the next government? Will the Russians return or did the learn their lesson? Perhaps. We spent billions arming the "other side" to help defeat the Russians. I wonder who was arming the Taliban that continued to be the thorn in our country's side for so many years and finally sent us off licking our wounds? Will the Chinese now step in with similar promises to rebuild and modernize their country or, will the world finally just leave them alone and let them live out their wretched lives. Can the countries of the world stop selling arms to them or arming them with the caveat of allowing some sort of political infuence? Not likely but who knows.

Friday, November 20, 2020

Pandemic Panic

What am I supposed to do? I mean, under the current circumstances, I dare not venture out the front door to the mall or out to a restaurant or grocery shopping. Certainly not without the possible consequences. Yes, I take precautions when I do go out. 1. I wear a mask when anywhere near others. 2. I shop only to buy groceries during the posted times for seniors and those at highest risk for the virus. 3. I do not go to any food establishment that does not offer me take out, pick up, curbside pick up or drive through and even then it is only an occasional treat. 4. I shop for almost all other needs online. That means going through Amazon. It excludes going into hardware stores, notorious for, yes, having COVID protocols to "keep customers safe", but have you ever ventured into these "men's clubs"? Guys are noted, and it has been shown that they are the worst at wearing their masks and or wearing them properly. Give them an opportunity and they'll wear them under their noses, or chin and with little concern for others around them to keep an appropriate distance. My experience in Lowes has been that I spend my time being wary of guys who sidle up next to me looking for a similar item and with their masks worn inappropriately. It's their right you know. All we can do is ask them to do the right thing but if they believe the right thing for them is not to follow the rules, then to hell with you. A few months back, early in the pandemic I was in the local hardware store, Hardware Sales. I needed a few nuts and bolts for a boat project. I wandered into the nuts and bolts aisle which is low ceilinged and with ultra narrow aisles and it was crammed with guys shoulder to shoulder doing the same thing I was there to do. I escaped without incident, as I remained well weeks after the incident. But I just can't bring myself to go back in there. I want to shop local. I want to support our struggling restaurants. My wife and I love nothing better than to go out for breakfast in one of our many favorite local breakfast shops. But how can we? The best we have come up with is the local Home Skillet restaurant where we can call ahead to order our favorite Big Green Mess or their Pork Tater Tot Hash. Oh man. Incredible but not to die for. Thankfully, the folks there have taken dramatic steps to make the experience safe. Sadly, in order to keep their establishment open, the have had to take drastic steps where their employees are concerned. So, my solution of choice has been to order groceries to be delivered. When they arrive we have a bottle of diluted bleach in a spray bottle at the ready and we wipe down everything before we bring it into the house. Then we wash our hands well and put the delivered items away. For other needed items, we have spent a lot of money ordering through Amazon. Packages are delivered to our front door and, once wiped down, they too can be opened and enjoyed. My pharmacy is online so all my meds come to my mailbox. Again, the package is wiped down and then opened. Thanksfully, Amazon is great about returns and, though we have seldom done it, we have found it easy to return items at our local Kohl's store. We go in on Wednesday morning when they first open for seniors and drop off the item. Never anyone there and we only come in contact with the person who accepts our package. Both the clerk and I are wearing masks and the transaction is momentary and I head right back out the door to my car. I haven't been in any other stores at our mall for probably a year. I didn't much care for the mall before the pandemic. I don't know what shops may even still exist. I imagine there are probably more empty store fronts than there was the last time I did venture through the mall doors. Personally, I don't much care. I know these shops employee a lot people who are now either unemployed or had to find new jobs, but not much can be done about that situation until the pandemic is ended. Since businesses and our current government have seen fit to put business before the health of our citizens, well, we are just going to be stuck in a never ending spiral of death and an economy that continues to limp along. Of course, a vaccine could help end the situation but can't work until enough people see the benefits of taking the vaccine. If millions don't see the benefit or are convinced that it will somehow endanger their lives. . .well, then, the virus will continue to infect, cause misery to many and kill thousands of others. As for me, I'm ready to roll up my arm just as I have for all the other vaccines I have been given during my lifetime. Vaccines that kept me from getting so many killer diseases that, before the vaccine was created, killed or maimed so many around the world and continue to in many poor nations. So, what do we do? Millions of Americans are at risk of being evicted from their homes, they have lost their livelyhood and simply can't afford to live. Meanwhile, the current government plays their violins while the country burns to the ground. I believe our way of life is at risk. More and more homeless out on the streets can only build to a boiling point. People with nothing left to loose at some point won't care if they break laws. If it puts food in their family's mouths or gives them shelter, then, they will do it. I don't know where that tippng point lies but it is out there. And don't we have enough folks out on the street now that we mostly ignore? Are we going to ask our law enforcement to continue evicting families at a rate way above the normal numbers? Are we going to ask them to arrest or confront the growing homeless numbers with possible dire consequences? I believe we need to look at how our economy operates. As it current operates, it doesn't see a need to reach out to those who are being evicted, nor does it address the needs of those who own the property from which those folks are being evicted. The landlords can't afford to loose rent from tenants or they risk losing their property and income. It is a domino effect. This is true of so many other situations in our economy, which indicates to me that our economy is not responsive to the current needs of our citizens. I'm fine. At least for now. I'm retired, have an excellent retirement income that will take care of me for the rest of my life. Investments, Social Security and pensions will all make me comfortable the rest of my life. So, the economy works for me, so far. But, of course, there is always the possibilty of some event down the road that causes the economy to collapse (I know, let's try to be positive). And, of course, if that happened it would mean the whole country would be in trouble. I am not at all an economist and have no clue what would happen if any of my suggestions were used, but, if we don't start looking down the road soon, it will be full of even more pot holes. Let's pass a bill to offer higher unemployment salaries to folks who are unemployeed through no fault of their own...but, let's put those folks to work. Remember the WPA and programs like back in the 1930's. Don't just give folks money and let them sit on their butts. Give them a task to earn it. I heard from friends who were angry after the last bailout that they couldn't get people to come to work for them because they made more being unemployeed. Bad idea. Put 'em to work. Homelessness? Let's have some of those unemployed folks go to work building basic housing for those who are homeless. Sort along the lines of the Habitat for Humanity program. Or, perhaps go the route of the Tiny House movement. We long ago started building homes WAY to large for the needs of the average American. I grew up in a lower middle class neighborhood and a home that was a 3 bedroom, one bath home. No family room. It was plenty of room for our family of 6. The boys shared a bedroom and the girls did too. It all worked out and, though we knew people who lived in what we thought of as "mansions" it never occured to us that we were missing out on anything. Landlords and business owners who are also struggling. Here I must say I am not sure how to address their specific issues. Perhaps the goverment could offer money to keep these businesses going. How that might look, I am sure small business owners would probably have some great suggestions. Anyhow, for me, the near future will continue to be to support local business as I can knowing that my front porch is going to be a stop for FedEx and UPS for some time.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Election 2020 Venting!

November 3, 2020 has come and gone and, as projected, we still don't know who our next president will be. It is as they say "too close to call" in several so called 'battleground states'--Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona and others depending on how you look at it. The tally in several of those states is within a few thousand of vote and some votes, due to how ballots are counted, could swing the decision wildly in one direction or the other. Either way, it is obvious from the way things are going that our country is deeply, deeply divided. Half the country thinks the way our country has been led the past four years is just fine and the other half wants, even demands a change. What is odd to me is that generally speaking every other person in this country believes Trump is on the right track OR that Biden would be too evil to vote for OR, well, for any number of other reasons they can't vote for him. On the other side of the ledger, Biden's fans feel the same way, roughly speaking, about Trump. So, where does that leave us (our country), our position in the world, with our allies and our enemies? Trump has 'governed' the last four years without concern for whether he is making any attempt to pull the country together. He 'rules' using an antiquated style of running a company. It's my way or the highway, or using his Apprentice line--"your fired" if he doesn't like what he hears coming out of those he has hired to work for him. He just dumps them and gets someone else who will agree with him. The idea of working to build a consensus (the modern accepted business model, which allows everyone to feel they have a voice and are heard regardless of the fact that the president has to make the final decision alone never enters his head. He doesn't bother with that. I guess it takes too much time. Consequently, he pisses off half the country and goes through employees like Carter has pills. And what about the lengthy list of his appointees that have wound up getting jail time for illegal activities on behalf of their boss, who protects himself by pretending to be astonished that that could happen while happily throwing them under the bus. Plausible deniability! For me, I can understand he is a fiscal conservative and that attracts a lot of voters who are in business. I get that. What astounds me is that these people are willing to sell their souls to defend their business interests. Its okay that Trump is creepy, that he tacitly gives support to extremist groups that hate people of color or non-Christians or the LGBTQ community by never coming out and condeming them. He treats women like toys, has no use for the LGBTQ community, and while he claims to be a Christian, he in no way reflects the true Christian spirit (unless you count the old testament). I could go on but of course, you've heard all the complaints a million times over the years and none of it seems to make any difference to half the poulation of the country. Then there is the matter of how he treats our traditional allies in the world. How he has buddied up to tyrants around the globe. He has ignored climate change advocates, crippled environmental laws that undermine our water and air qualiites. Recently he even opened up mining in a pristine area of Alaska that had been protected for many years and opened an area of old growth forest for use. I have never been more ashamed of being an American in all my 67 years. I thought I'd seen some teerrible presidents along the way--Tricky Dick Nixon, Bill Clinton, George W., but trump takes the cake. As for me, I will continue to vote in every election as I have since i was first eligible. I still have that right. But other than that, I hearby resign as a citizen of this once great country. Until people wake up from whatever delusion they are so enjoying and move back into the column of nations trying to make the word a better place, I am going to just hide out in my little progressive bubble here in Bellingham and enjoy whatever positives life has in store for me for however many more years I have to enjoy them. I wish you all well. Good night and good luck.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

COVID Kept Us At Home

So, the Covid virus that has plagued us since March 2020 continues to do so. We have been pretty much house bound since mid-March going out initially only to buy needed groceries. We didn't even do that for a couple of months until there was a bit more solid knowledge as to how to behave when out in public. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask? How far to stand away from anyone? Best hand washing techniques? And on and on...When recommendations finally began to get settled we felt better about going out--a little. Plus, by then stores began to have better methods of keeping us apart and to have times of the day specifically for older shoppers. So, we ventured out wearily and very cautiously. One problem initially was also that there were shortages of certain products. Hand sanitizer was almost none existant on store shelves. Toilet paper was hard to come by. We were fortunate in that we had made purchases of extra non-perishables, bottled water, toilet paper, etc. for emergencies such as earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. before this ever happened. Never thought we'd need to use those items but suddently they came in very handy at an uncertain time. Our emergency supplies kept us from needing to go shopping for almost 2 months and even then it was only for milk and fresh vegetables. So this pandemic has proven our preparations are a good idea and when this finally calms down and life can return to some sort of normal, we will get our supply storage back up again in preparation for the next time it is needed. We've also begun to set up the boat as a secondary location should we need to evacuate from our home. Forest fires have become a bigger deal and so many people have lost homes, even entire communities have burned to the ground. So our boat water supply if topped off, the fuel tanks are full and we have a full pantry that would take care of our needs for several days. We have an evacuation plan from our house should we need to head for the boat, taking cetain key items including more food, emergency gallons of fresh water, clothing, etc. so we caould extend our stay abord should it be necessary. As of right now, we are still mostly at home but we have had some work done at the house. In fact we have tree guys here today who have cut down several trees that we've needed to have done for quite some time, some of which were even threatening the house should they fall in a storm. We bought new beds which we have needed for some time. These required us to be cautious while around those who did the work. We required masks of all who worked on our property or entered our house and when we needed to, we left the house for a few hours while work was done. The boat has been handy on alternate Wednesdays when our housekeeper cleans our home. We go to the boat and stay there overnight returning home the next day. Our biggest problem with all this has been not being able to see our family in Seattle--Daughter, Kate, Son-in-Laww, Nick and grand daughter, Evie. We'd always been able to see them on average every couple of weeks. Suddenly they were cut off from us. Thankfully, a modern solution came about when we started using ZOOM, an online meeting platform. While Evie was stuck at home and not able to be in school we were on ZOOM with her every couple of days. We'd spend hours talking and playing with her--usually until her parent's phone ran out of battery life. Now that she is in school (she started Kindergarten online) and she spends afternoons at her old pre-school with a select group of kids who all know each other and whose parents are all quarantining as our kids are, so the chances of COVID infection are very low. But she is so tired at the end of the school day that she really doesn't feel much like visiting with us. But we still manage a good visit on the weekend. And when she gets extended periods of time off (10 days or so) we can then arrange to meet them for a face to face visit. We just have to be very careful. We are both in the senior citizen catgory which makes us more suseptible to the virus and its effects. My chronic issues make it all the more important. We are, nevertheless, bearing up well under the circumstances and count our blessings--hey, we have a warm home with a roof over our head, plenty of food and fresh water and, most important, we have each other. Stay safe out there.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

So, project wrap up! It has been a long summer of pricey projects, some of which were unexpected. What did we get accomplished? Here is the list— 1. New Achilles dinghy with Honda 20 hp power start and tilt outboard, two person seat and St. Criox Euro helm. 2. SeaWise davit system installed 3. SCAD waste/fresh water tank monitor installed. 4. Victron Bluetooth battery monitor installed. 5. New house and start batteries installed. 6. New Maxwell HRC 10-8 windlass installed. 7. New below deck anchor locker created. 8. New anchor rode of 150’ of 5/16 chain and 100’ of 5/8 8 plait line installed in the anchor locker. 9. New raw water wash down system installed. Included pressure sensitive pump and 10’ of water hose and sprayer in old anchor locker. 10. We will shortly purchase a trailer for the dinghy to haul it to and from the marina. It will winter over at home. This will offer security and keep it out of the salt air. Not a bad list! Much more than we ever intended but nothing we shouldn’t have expected considering it is a boat! Next year the big expense (hopefully) will be to repaint the bottom and reseat any through hulls that need attention.